Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Improving the health of people worldwide

BioNTech is a global next-generation immunotherapy company pioneering novel medicines against cancer, infectious diseases, and other serious diseases. Our COVID-19 vaccine is a key milestone in this effort. The company's aim is to translate science into survival by developing new immunotherapies. In doing so, we want to contribute to improving the health of people worldwide.

Our core values form the basis of everything we do

We are committed to transparency, integrity, environmental protection and respect for human rights. These unchanging foundations for our work are complemented by our corporate culture and our three corporate values:




We support the efforts of the United Nations for global sustainable development:

We have signed the UN Global Compact for responsible and sustainable Conduct of Business and are committed to its ten principles.

With our work, we are contributing to the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of this effort, BioNTech continues to focus on research and development towards the potential innovative treatment, to adress cancer, infectious diseases and other serious diseases. Regarding infectious diseases, BioNTech pioneers the development of mRNA vaccine candidates against tuberculosis, malaria and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as well as other infectious diseases with epidemic or pandemic potential, such as mpox. BioNTech contributes in particular to the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3): to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all people at all ages. The related targets 3.3 (Combat infectious diseases) and 3b (Access to healthcare) are the focus of our work.

Sustainability Report 2024

Explore our latest sustainability report to find out how we fulfill our corporate social responsibility.

Our CSR-Management

BioNTech is aware of its responsibility: as a reliable business partner, an attractive employer, and in the careful use of limited ecological resources as a researching and commercially producing biotech company. The responsibility for the successful further development of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) lies with our Management Board.

The members of the Management Board are measured by their success: a part of the variable Management Board remuneration depends on the achievement of defined sustainability targets set annually by the Supervisory Board.

A CSR Steering Board supports the Board of Management in strategic matters: In addition to Prof. Özlem Türeci, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, and Sierk Poetting, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer, the board consists of several executives representing relevant departments. The CSR team continuously drives operational development within the company and the integration of sustainability issues into the business units.


ESG- (Environmental, Social and Governance) and sustainability-related ratings provide valuable information that we use for the continuous further development of our CSR management.

BioNTech was again awarded "Prime" status by the internationally recognized rating agency ISS ESG in 2024, placing it in the top 10% of all companies rated in the Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology sector. BioNTech improved its corporate rating from B- to B in 2024, on a scale from D- (lowest rating) to A+ (highest rating). ISS ESG now also rates BioNTech in all dimensions of its ESG Quality Scores: In the dimension of Governance, BioNTech has a score of 4 (as of January 2025), on a scale of 1 (low risk) to 10 (high risk). In the areas of Social and Environmental, BioNTech is rated with a score of 2 and 1 (as of January 2025) on a scale of 1 (high transparency) to 10 (low transparency).

In the annual S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessment (S&P CSA), BioNTech received 52 out of a possible 100 points (assessment cycle 2024) and was able to improve significantly for the third time in a row (2023: 45/100 points; 2022: 32/100 points). BioNTech has been actively involved in the comprehensive S&P CSA rating process since 2022 and is listed as a participating company.

Another  relevant sustainability rating is available from Morningstar Sustainalytics: BioNTech received an overall rating of 25.9 on a scale up to 40+, category ‘Medium Risk’ out of a total of five risk categories (as of October 2024).   

Unternehmensabzeichen von S&P CSA
Unternehmensabzeichen Morningstar Sustainalytics

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CSR Fields of Action

BioNTech's goal is to translate science into survival, pioneering innovative medicines to treat diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases and other serious diseases. For instance, it is our goal to develop innovative medicines and therapies for a range of infectious diseases as well as cancer indications with a high or unmet medical need disproportionately affecting low- and middle-income countries. In this way, we aim to contribute to solving the most pressing global health challenges and are committed to equitable access to innovative medicines worldwide.

Based on our pioneering research and experience in immunotherapy, we also aim to develop innovative therapies and improve the standard of care for a wide range of indications.

For more information, please refer to chapter “2.0 Our Responsibility" in our Sustainability Report 2023.

We base our business activities on sound principles: We require our employees to act lawfully, ethically and responsibly and support them in this regard through internal training.

BioNTech respects human rights and is committed to upholding social and environmental standards along its value chain.

As a research-based pharmaceutical company, ensuring information security and patient privacy is of critical importance to us. From the research and clinical trial phases to approved and distributed products, BioNTech makes the well-being of patients its highest priority. We also strive to achieve excellent research results while safeguarding individual animal welfare in the best possible way.

In dialogue with political stakeholders and governments, we aim to foster a constructive exchange to further advance our vision of combating infectious diseases, cancer and other serious diseases.

For further information, please refer to chapter “4.0 Responsible Governance" in our Sustainability Report 2023.

At the end of 2023, roughly 6,300 employees from over 80 nations worked at BioNTech. Our goal is to foster the full potential of our employees and create a working environment where everyone feels respected. To this end, we aim to promote equal opportunities and diversity, as well as a continuous learning culture. Maintaining high occupational safety standards are an essential foundation of our work. 

As a biotechnology company, we face intense competition for qualified employees, who form the basis for our corporate success. Our Human Resources department therefore works to ensure that we keep specialists in the company, recruit new talent, and integrate our teams across all subsidiaries - new and old.

Our corporate culture and values are vital for this: they have always been key factors in our success. The Culture Campus department set up in 2020 is working to maintain this culture even in times of sustained growth and to reflect its importance for achieving the company's vision.

Further information can be found in the chapter "6.0 Attractive Employer" in our Sustainability Report 2023.

As a research-based, commercial biotech company, our work has an impact on the environment: production processes and R&D activities, the operation of our infrastructure and major construction projects lead to energy requirements, consumption of raw and auxiliary materials and the generation of waste.

BioNTech continuously develops its global environmental management in the areas of wastewater, waste and energy management. Climate protection is the focus of our environmental management: We have developed a climate strategy with near-term science-based emissions reduction targets. In January 2024, the targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as follows:

  • BioNTech commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year.
  • BioNTech commits that 72% of its suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services, capital goods and upstream transportation and distribution, will have science-based targets by 2027.

This validation underlines that our scope 1 and scope 2 climate targets are ambitious and in alignment with the United Nation’s Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

To ensure the achievement of our direct greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets (Scope 1 and 2), a dedicated decarbonization department was established in 2022. This department was further strengthened in 2023. In 2023, we implemented measures including planning and setting yearly reduction targets for the Company and our operational sites, monitoring our progress, and implementing decarbonization measures to support a pathway towards our 2030 target. In parallel, we continued our efforts to reduce scope 3 emissions in our supply chain to meet our supplier engagement target: In 2023, we initiated dialogues with key suppliers with the aim to lay the foundation for Memoranda of Understanding on setting themselves science-based emission reduction targets. These suppliers account for approximately two thirds of our scope 3 emissions. Furthermore, we have conducted a comprehensive revision of our Supplier Code of Conduct which includes dedicated requirements for climate protection and climate-related disclosures.

Climate risk management - transition risks and physical risks according to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) - was established in 2022 and will be continuously developed.

Further information on our environmental management can be found in chapter "5.0 Environmental & Climate Protection" in our Sustainability Report 2023.

As a company, BioNTech is actively engaged socially. To this end, we have further developed our corporate citizenship concept, which addresses three different focus topics. In close cooperation with our business units and the global sites, we want to promote, among other activities, the voluntary commitment of our employees in a targeted manner.

Read the chapter "3.0 Corporate Citizenship" in our Sustainability Report 2023 to find out how we shape our social commitment sustainably and in line with our corporate values.

BioNTech Konferenzraum


Sven Griemert

Director CSR

Anonymous Grievance Mechanism

BioNTech is committed to responding reports of suspected violations of our principles.

Through the “Ethics Contact Point”, individuals may, at any time - also anonymously - report human rights or environmental risks, as well as potential violations of human rights-related or environmental obligations of BioNTech or other parties in the value chain.

In addition, the Human Rights Officer can be contacted directly:

Sven Griemert

Human Rights Officer

BioNTech is committed to protecting any person who raises their concern on reasonable grounds, regardless of which reporting channel was utilized.

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